Mobility Innovation Working Group
The transportation sector is responsible for approximately 40% of Rhode Island’s greenhouse gas emissions. The ongoing development of a resilient Rhode Island requires a comprehensive strategy to address transportation-related emissions. The objective of the Mobility Innovation Working Group is to inform the design of a statewide mobility strategy that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and simultaneously promote accessible and affordable transportation options for all Rhode Islanders, especially those in overburdened and underserved communities.
The mobility strategy will build on the comprehensive portfolio of clean transportation policies, regulations and initiatives that have already been implemented statewide. By January of 2021, the Working Group will provide Governor Raimondo with a final report, which will include recommended initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maximize clean mobility options for all Rhode Islanders.
The Working Group consists of state agency leaders and external stakeholders, who have a deep understanding of the mobility, environmental, economic and public health needs of Rhode Islanders. The participating stakeholders bring expertise in a multitude of areas including environmental justice, business, labor and transportation. Please see below for a full list of Working Group members.
Meeting Agenda and Minute
Additional Information and Resources
Mobility Innovation Working Group Members
Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI)
Rhode Island Transit Master Plan
Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Bicycle Mobility Plan (BMP)
State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
RI GHG Emissions Reduction Plan
RI Department of Transportation
RI State Energy Plan – Energy 2035
RI Zero Emission Vehicle Action Plan
RI’s Freight & Goods Movement Plan
RI Office of Energy Resources – Transportation Resources
RI Department of Environmental Management – Mobile Sources