Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Climate Change ,

Climate Pollution Reduction Grant

RIDEM Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) Submission to EPA - March 1, 2024

Below is a copy of the plan as submitted. Any updates/amendments related to the PCAP will be posted to this webpage.

Rhode Island's Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) Process

RIDEM has been awarded a grant through the EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) planning process.

The first step was the development of Rhode Island’s Priority Climate Action Plan. This plan includes a focused list of near-term, high-priority, implementation ready projects to reduce GHG emissions and an analysis of GHG emissions reductions that would be achieved through implementation. Of particular interest are projects that will help advance the goals of the Justice40 Initiative. Rhode Island also submitted an application for an Implementation Grant on April 1st. This $47.8M application requests funds for projects in the transportation, buildings, waste, and urban trees sectors. Rhode Island also joined two coalition applications led by other states.

Have comments or input for RIDEM on projects? Comments may be submitted via SmartComment

The presentation from the January 4, 2024 Listening Session which details the CPRG process for RI and shows the types of projects suggested by the public at a January 4th Listening Session can be found below.

The next step for CPRG is the development of a Comprehensive Climate Action Plan which will be created in conjunction with the state's 2025 Climate Action Strategy. Look out for engagement opportunities throughout the next two years.

PCAP Priority Measures

Below is an outline of the draft Rhode Island PCAP Priority Measures from February, 2024. The final PCAP document is linked above.